
- 日本語
愛知県立明和高等学校音楽科を経て、飛び入学特待生として桐朋学園大学に入学し、2023年3月に同大学を首席で卒業。2023年には、文化庁長官表彰(国際芸術部門)、出光音楽賞、岐阜県芸術文化奨励賞、愛知県芸術文化選奨文化新人賞を受賞。2023年度日本ショパン協会賞受賞。2021~2022年度公益財団法人ロームミュージックファンデーション奨学生。第51回公益財団法人江副記念リクルート財団奨学生。2023年度江崎スカラシップ奨学生。現在、カールスルーエ音楽大学、桐朋学園大学ソリスト・ディプロマコースに在籍中。これまでに、青木真由子、杉浦日出夫、上野久子、岡本美智子、長谷正一、児玉桃の各氏に師事。作曲を鈴木輝昭氏に師事。Masaya Kamei, born in Aichi, Japan, in 2001, gained international recognition in 2022 when he won the First Prize, Journalists Award, and Audience Award at the Long-Thibaud International Competition in France.
In 2023, he made his debut with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1. He also gave his debut recital at the Festival de la Roque d’Anthéron and the Vilnius Piano Festival. Additionally, he toured Japan with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra MÁV, where he played Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in 11 concerts. During this time, he also performed with some of the most prestigious orchestras, including the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, and the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.
Invited to the Festival de la Grange de Meslay and Lille Piano Festival during the summer of 2024, Masaya Kamei returned to the Festival de la Roque d’Anthéron with the Orchestre Philharmonique de l’Opéra de Marseille under the baton of Lawrence Foster. The concert was praised as:
“The breathtaking Chopin of young Japanese pianist Masaya Kamei. Under the attentive guidance of maestro Lawrence Foster, the 22-year-old prodigy proved that he is now playing in the big league.”
— Le Monde“Everything is there, with an authentic emotion.”
— Le PointHe has further expanded his career with recitals in Vienna, Sydney, and Seoul.
He began his piano studies at the age of four. After studying at the Toho Gakuen School of Music with Hisako Ueno, Michiko Okamoto, and Shoichi Hase, he is currently studying with Momo Kodama at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe.- ダミーテキスト簡体字
- ダミーテキスト繫体字